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Henrique Leis is a restaurant of excellence, located on the Algarve coast and features a wine list with the best references of Portugal and all over the World.


The restaurant has two rooms, one for winter, with warm colors and fireplace, and another for summer with bright and fresh colors that extend to the outside, where the terrace, under a blanket of stars, is surrounded by floral corners and a spectacular view of the Atlantic.


The space is open day and night, serving lunch and dinner, with advance booking advisable. It is closed on Sundays and Mondays, except during the months of July and August when it's only closed on Sundays.


Horário de Funcionamento

Aberto de Terça-Feira a Sábado.

Almoços das 12:30h às 14:00h.

Jantares das 19:00h às 21:30h.


 Nos meses de Julho e Agosto aberto apenas para jantares.

De Segunda-feira a Sábado, das 19.00h às 22.30h.

Tlm: 913 254 322 

Tel:  289 393 438


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